
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
1.627 / 3.346

Re: Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

la veo mas cerca del 0.10 que del 0.20 antes del 8 de julio.


Re: ¿Porque culpar a una Juez de una mala entrada?

El juez en Delware ya dijo que se iba a somter a las decisiones de nuestra queridisima jueza. Y no podrá seguir con el proceso hasta que en la corte de bk esté todo claro, en whasinghton con el tema de la reuníón de accionistas el juez dijo lo mismo le paso la pelota a la juez. En resumidas cuentas estamos totalmente en manos de ella.

Pd. Creo recordar que fue Tyson el que comentó que la reunión de accionistas la podriamos tener en torno a finales de agosto confirmada, y veo que no se va a equivocar.


EXAMINER continua...

Permite que te anime un poco, el examiner sigue adelante esto de Sleet no paraliza más que el asunto de los $4 Billones, los demas temas siguen adelante.
La juez no tiene culpa, las partes confabuladas han pedido un aplazamiento, ahora dejemos que Susman saque de nuevo el machete y sigamos adentrandonos en la jungla.


Rosen el zorro pretende liarla de nuevo con una orden de proteción a JPM

El 8 de Julio espero que le paren los pies de una vez.

Just a few minutes before midnight June 30 deadline, Weil/Rosen is asking TPS lawyers a new confidentiality agreement eventhough Rosen said in the court that TPS will get access to documents on June 30 without any new confidentiality agreement.

Judge Walrath must see the "games" of Weil/Rosen to stall & delay.

No more wasting of time with Rosen/Weil. Examiner appointment is the only option


Re: Rosen el zorro pretende liarla de nuevo con una orden de proteción a JPM

Rosen appears to still be playing games...

"As of the time of this filing, the TPS Consortium still has not received access to the
Debtors’ document depository. Debtors have repeatedly represented to the parties and to
this Court that access to the depository was to be granted by June 30. In fact, at the June
17, 2010 Omnibus Hearing, Debtors’ Counsel Brian Rosen stated: “As I indicated before,
Your Honor, Mr. Stoll’s client [the TPS Consortium] has already signed a confidentiality
agreement. They will get access as soon as that depository is open.” June 17, 2010
Hearing Transcript, p. 27. Contrary to that representation to the Court, and after
receiving assurances that the depository would be available by the close of business on
June 30, after 11:30 p.m. Debtors’ counsel stated that access would only be given subject
to the signing of a new confidentiality agreement. See June 30, 2010 email attached as
Exhibit A. The TPS Consortium still has not received access."


Listado de petición de documento por parte de TPS

Here's the original TPS filing for doc production:

Here are all of the doc categories they requested (don't know why #3 is blank). The highlighted ones show that TPS is going after info that WMI should have been pursuing for the past year+, such as assets conveyed to JPM and valuation info.

1. Any and all documents relating to thc current ownership, control and/or
status ofthe following entities:
a. Washington Mutual Preferred Funding LLC;
b. Washington Mutual Preferred Funding (Cayman) I Ltd. ("WaMu Cayman");
c. Washington Mutual Preferred Funding Trust I ("WaMu Delaware I");
d. Washington Mutual Preferred Funding Trust II ("WaMu Delaware II”);
e. Washington Mutual Preferred Funding Trust III ("WaMu Delaware HI");
f. Washington Mutual Preferred Funding Trust IV ("WaMu Delaware IV");
g. Washington Mutual Home Equity Trust I.

2. Any and all documents constituting or related to any bid package, request
for proposal or other invitation to submit a bid for the purchase of Washington Mutual
Bank received by JPMC during 2008.


4. Any and all documents relating to the Trust Preferred Securities, including
any and all documents relating to and/or indicating the current ownership of the Trust
Preferred Securities.

5. Any and all documents evidencing collateral, funds or other source against
which the Trust Preferred Securities hold or held a liquidation preference.

6. Any and all documents relating to the current value of the Trust Preferred Securities.

7. Any and all periodic statements, including but not limited to distribution
or other reports, related to the Trust Preferred Securities and/or the collateral pool(s)
underlying the Trust Preferred Securities.

8. Any and all documents regarding the current administration and/or
servicing ofthe collateral pool(s) underlying the Trust Preferred Securities.

9. Any and all documents related to the purported "Conditional Exchange,"
including but not limited to, all communications with the Office of Thrift Supervision,
the FDIC or any other party regarding the Conditional Exchange.

10. Any and all documents relating to any purported exchange, transfer or
other disposition of the Trust Preferred Securities, including any applicable trust register.

11. Any and all docmnents evidencing the purported transfer of the Trust
Preferred Securities from Washington Mutual, Inc. to Washington Mutual Bank.

12. Any and all documents relating to the seizure and sale of the operations of
Washington Mutual Bank in September 2008, including but not limited to any
communication among WMI, OTS, FDIC and/or JPMC regarding such seizure and sale.

13. Any and all documents constituting or related to negotiations with the
FDIC for the purchase of Washington Mutual Bank assets.

14. Any and all documents reflecting the determination of the amount of the
bid submitted to the FDIC for the purchase of Washington Mutual Bank assets including,
but not limited to any list and/or valuation of the Washington Mutual Bank assets.

15. Any and all documents reflecting the assets of Washington Mutual Bank
purportedly purchased by JPMC on September 25, 2008.

16. Any and all documents related to JPMC’s purported acquisition of the
Trust Preferred Securities, including but not limited to: (a) any documents reflecting the
inclusion of the Trust Preferred Securities among the Washington Mutual Bank asset
sold to JPMC; and/or (b) any pro forma statement(s) of condition required to be delivered
by JPMC pursuant to the Purchase and Assumption Agreement.

17. Any and all documents constituting or relating to the valuation of the Trust
Preferred Securities as of September 25, 2008.

18. Any and all notifications/bid requests received by JPMC and/or bids
submitted by JPMC pursuant to Section 3.2(b)(ii) of the Purchase and Assumption

19. Any and all documents reflecting and/or related to the calculation of the
after-tax gain from the purchase of Washington Mutual Bank asset as reflected in
JPMOrgan Chase, Inc.’s September 30, 2008 Form 10-Q.

20. Any and all documents reflecting and/or related to the calculation of the
after-tax gain from the purchase of Washington Mutual Bank assets as reflected in
JPMorgan Chase, Inc.’s 2008 Form 10-K.

21. Any and all documentrelating to the negotiation of the Global Settlement
Agreement, including but not limited to, all communications constituting or relating to
negotiation of the Proposed Global Settlement.

22. Any and all documents relating to the "Settlement with the REIT Series
Holders" referenced in Section I.C.8. of the Disclosure Statement, including but not
limited to any and all documents and communications relating to: (a) the negotiation of
that "settlement"; and (b) the identity(ies) of the party(ies) claimed to have negotiated
that "settlement."

23. Any and all documents relating to the release proposed to be granted
pursuant to the Plan and/or Global Settlement, including but no limited to any and all
documents and commrmications relating to: (a) the negotiation of such releases; and (b)
the identity(ies) ofthe party(ies) claimed to have negotiated those releases.

24. Any and all document related to any efforts by JPMC to acquire the
operations and assets of Washington Mutual Bank between September 25, 2007 and
September 26, 2008.

25. Any and all communications with the OTS, the FDIC or any other
governmental unit, entity or agency conceming WMI or WMB.

26. Any and all communication with any party, during 2008, conceming an
acquisition of, merger with, investment in, or other transaction involving, WMI or WMB.


Solomon sigue trabajando en las valoraciones de WAMU

Summary of First Monthly Application of Peter J. Solomon Company as Financial Advisor and Consulting Expert to the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders of Washington Mutual, Inc. et al., for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred for the Period of February 12, 2010 Through February 28, 2010

Summary of Second Monthly Application of Peter J. Solomon Company as Financial Advisor and Consulting Expert to the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders of Washington Mutual, Inc. et al., for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred for the Period of March 1, 2010 Through March 31, 2010

Summary of Third Monthly Application of Peter J. Solomon Company as Financial Advisor and Consulting Expert to the Official Committee of Equity Security Holders of Washington Mutual, Inc. et al., for Allowance of Compensation for Services Rendered and Reimbursement of Expenses Incurred for the Period of April 1, 2010 Through April 30, 2010