
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños

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Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3 suscriptores
Washington Mutual demanda a la FDIC por 17 billones US$ + daños
3.018 / 3.346

Re: WMILT recibe 24.8 Millones USD (esto va cogiendo color)

WMILT filed an 8K today which provided this significant piece of information: "On March 1, 2013, the Trust received approximately $24.8 million in cash from Reorganized WMI in connection with an ordinary course payment of interest and a partial redemption of the First Lien Notes (the “Redemption”). This cash payment represents a redemption of approximately 15.6% of the Runoff Notes held by the Trust as of the date hereof."

This means that WMIH is doing so well that they are paying off the runoff notes early. As of March 1, they have paid off 15.6 percent of the entire balance. We'll find out more when WMIH releases their financials on March 18 but this is certainly a very positive tidbit of news. This is is also great news for WMILT claimholders because it means they are getting cash back faster than expected so it is likely that there will be distribution on May 1


Los Hedge Funds que estan en WMIH estan consiguiendo mucha pasta ¿Para Que?

Ahí la suelto... ¿CAPITALIZACION?

Owl Creek II, L.P
Total Amount Sold $1,575,693,506
Owl Creek Overseas Fund, Ltd.
Total Amount Sold $1,266,566,962

One more related hedgy is Guggenheim also raised around a billion today.
Both were involved with WMI and both raised billlions on the same day,
for whatever reasons.

Ya solo falta 1 semana para que pase la fecha del primer aniversario Post BK
y eso permita que empiecen a ocurrir acontecimientos.

Mucha suerte a todos los sufridores que han aguantado. Vamos a tener nuestro premio.


¿Que será primero Capitalización o pagos a WAHUQ? leed esto con detalle

"[T]hey know that if WMIH get around ten dollars a share for the WAHUQs all they will do is buy a HUGE amount of WMIH."

I hadn't thought about this for a while, but I agree. I did discuss this with a shareholder last year, and that shareholder agrees that people who get their HUQ payments will use that money to buy WMIH shares. I cannot, however, agree with the conclusion that it will upset the ownership because the bought shares won't be coming from the majority holders; it'll be retail selling to retail, and not all retail own HUQs. I think there is a minority retail presence of H holders, and some of them will buy WMIH, but I doubt any are over 5% holders (i.e., who hold more than about 9.75MM shares of WMIH) who would be increasing their holdings by more than 50%.

You may have a point, though, that knowing that there will be a lot of WMIH buying if the Hs are paid first, management may contrive to announce capitalization beforehand, but I don't think such a move will necessarily be based on NOL considerations.

Now that you've raised the issue, I expect a lot of H holders wish the money had been paid off while WMIH was still trading at $.50 or so. Also, I wouldn't put it past the MMs to raise the price of WMIH (even without a capitalization announcement) in advance of the H payoff to make H holders pay them (the MMs) more for the WMIH shares.


Re: ¿Que será primero Capitalización o pagos a WAHUQ? leed esto con detalle

Hola muy buenas.
Estoy en Wamuq, hoy WMIH, desde hace tiempo. No participo en el foro, porque no tengo nada que aportar, pero si es verdad que lo siguo asiduamente.
No sé si al final tendremos premio o no, pero lo que no se te puede negar ( Mr Simpson ) es la CONSTANCIA que has tenido a lo largo de éstos años.
Mi más sincera Felicitación.

Un saludo y haber que pasa.


Re: ¿Que será primero Capitalización o pagos a WAHUQ? leed esto con detalle

Muchas gracias VALLUCO... eso mismo pienso yo. Debe haber un premio a la constancia.
Curiosamente Ghost of WAMU (Boardpost) ha desaparecido y tb en Ihub hay como un bloqueo...todo previo a la semana clave para pasar la fecha crítica. Escama un poco ¿no creeis?

Se ha creado un Facebook WMIHSafe para miembros tras estos acontecimientos.

Suerte compañeros de Aventuras!!


Re: Mensaje de Simpson dia 12 feb 2013

Blackstone & GS
¿Podría GS estar vendiendo su subsidiaria a Blackstone como parte del
acuerdo para que WMIH entre en valor?

Hay que recordar que TPG tiene lazos con Blackstone... es lo que me viene a la cabeza estos días. Sin duda sería una operación de Win-Win. Veremos que responden el 13 de febrero a Susman.


Blackstone será el canalizador

In a wide-ranging conversation, Steve Schwarzman, Blackstone Group chairman & CEO, discusses his company's pledge to support innovation and weighs in on Dell's LBO, the private equity space, and the outlook on the market."Blackstone is now the largest owner of individual houses in the United States," Schwarzman told CNBC's "Squawk on the Street" Monday, pointing to his company's $3 billion portfolio of residential real estate.

But given the nascent recovery in the housing market, they're not buying and selling them quickly but rather renting them out.

"It's a good business for us. It's a new thing, but it's also good for America," he said.
Schwarzman pointed to real strength in the automobile industry and housing as reasons to be bullish on the U.S. economy, citing increasing production in autos and average home prices heading higher in the last year.

Schwarzman also said that U.S. energy independence would be a major boon for the domestic economy.

"Everywhere I travel, the world [U.S. energy potential] is about the first thing that people talk about. If we can create energy in very large amounts at some of the lowest prices in the world, it's very logical that people from outside the United States are going to start businesses in the United States."

Schwarzman also predicted that there would be a "dramatic increase" in companies that utilize the energy chain, "if you can foresee a world in the future with natural gas powered automobiles, the savings would be absolutely huge and that would go into consumers' pockets," he said.