Re: El negocio de la música: Universal Music, Sony Music, Warner Music. Streaming: Spotify, Apple Music, etc.

Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Se habla mucho de depositar confianza, pero nadie dice qué interés te pagan
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
margins cannot be directly compared to recording margins as publishing and recording are different businesses with different costs and capital requirements.......................
......................the trend in operating margins has been decreasing over the review period. This is driven almost entirely by an increase in the proportion of royalties paid out.
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
In terms of the importance of streaming for artists, while it is widely acknowledged as being key for their visibility and public profile, for all but the most popular artists it cannot sustain a living. A recent report commissioned by the IPO found, based on a survey of music creators, that they gained income from many different sources but that, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, live performances were the greatest source of income for artists. Streaming, despite being the biggest contributor to global recorded music revenues since 2017 (see Figure 1.1), contributed, on average, 6% of the survey respondents’ music-related income. The low revenues from streaming typically earned by individual artists are a clear source of tension within the industry.
There is evidence that the deal conditions available to artists (including from major labels) are improving on average. Royalty rates are rising, and increasingly some deals may feature shorter commitments (eg for single tracks as opposed to albums) and/or for shorter terms of copyright (if assigned or licensed at all). A&R investment has been increasing, largely offsetting reduced marketing expenditures over time.
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
En el libro indica que las discográficas actualmente no exigen solo su parte de las ventas de música por streaming o lo que quede de ventas de CDs o vinilos; también piden un porcentaje de las actuaciones, merchandasing o derechos editoriales de publicación, algo que no antes ocurría pero que empezaron a pedir con la caída del negocio.
Loving Málaga
An examination of songwriters’ earnings shows that these are heavily skewed towards a minority of successful individuals, with only 1,168 (2%) earning more than £50,000 in 2019. The vast majority (94%) of PRS’ members that earned income in 2019 earned less than £10,000. This picture has not changed significantly over time.
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga