Re: El Bar de los Pufforeros. Inversión de la A a la Z: Fondos, ETF, planes de pensiones, acciones, metales preciosos...

Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Yo sigo mi libro mientras los USD me los vendan a estos precios: Uropa, Uropa, Uropa. Japón could be, UK "alomojó"
Takashi Hiroki, chief strategist at Monex : "Trading companies' high stock prices are associated with high commodities prices, but there's much more to their businesses than that," he said. "Their earnings are good and shareholder returns are strong."
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga
Listado mejores cuentas y depósitos a 07/03/25: https://cutt.ly/7rycEPJr
Loving Málaga
Loving Málaga