Despues de unos dias de caidas, debido a que valoraron Uniper en un valor de 19€ por accion, hoy ha vuelto a subir impulsada por Fortum que esta interesada en comprar la parte de Uniper.
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Finland’s Fortum (
FORTUM.HE) is nearing a bid for German utility E.ON’s (
EONGn.DE) 47 percent stake in nuclear and fossil energy group Uniper (
UN01.DE), a source close to the matter said on Wednesday.
Fortum is working on a bid with a premium of less than 10 percent for the stake in the company, which has a market capitalisation of 7.7 billion euros (6.8 billion pounds), the source said.
Fortum and E.ON were not immediately available for comment.
E.ON, however, may decline the offer if it sees chances of getting more money by placing the shares on the market, which it can do without incurring large tax payments from early 2018, the source added.
If Fortum decides to go ahead it would have to make a mandatory offer for the whole company under Germany’s takeover code.
Fortum is mainly interested in Uniper’s nuclear and hydropower assets and is working with a prospective buyer of the fossil fuel assets, the source said.
The news was earlier reported by Bloomberg.
Por cierto, no se de donde sacan que la valoracion de Uniper es solo 19 euros, mis estimaciones eran cercanas a 40 euros viendo los ultimos resultados semestrales (aunque tengo pocos datos para hacerlo con exactitud, y supongo que las ganancias de hasta octubre seran menores que los primeros 6 meses de año).
Si se materializa la venta de Uniper, la deuda de Eon bajaria en unos 3.600m€ a precios actuales (seguramente sera más) y podria quedar sobre los 18.000m€ que no es poco precisamente, pero parece que relativamente saneada.
Uniper ha subido desde que empece a escribir el mensaje de 2,20% a 5.20%