
La actualidad de los mercados

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La actualidad de los mercados
56 suscriptores
La actualidad de los mercados
2.192 / 2.731

Re: La actualidad de los mercados LOGISTA

Buenos días

Feliz Navidad para ti y para todo el foro!!!!!

Re: La actualidad de los mercados

The 10yr Tsy yield is right at its 30-year average.

Average for longer?

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Equities are expensive. Commodities are generationally cheap 

Do with this as you wish.

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Baltic Index Falls Third Straight Week as #RedSea Attacks Impacts – TC #Shipping Monitor
Note attacks impact different vessels routes differently.
#BDI fell 10.8% on the week, lowest since Nov. 23 on Thursday
Capesize dropped 17.4%, Panamax rose 0.5%

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

#earnings for the week...

It is a Festivus miracle!

Unless someone reports that hasn't scheduled earnings, it will be the first time since at least 1997 that not a single company, with analyst estimates, reported earnings during the last week of the year.

Air your grievances today though, because we start back up next week.

Happy Festivus!

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Feliz Navidad socio. 

Poner en un mismo análisis a TEF junto a BKT e ITX mira que me cuesta pero cualquier entidad se puede analizar. 

TEF ha estado todo el año en un lateral sin hacer nada de nada y mientras tanto el IBEX-35 se ha alejado de los niveles prepandemia y si miramos al IBEX-35 con dividendos ha marcado un nuevo máximo histórico. 

ITX sería el mejor exponente ya que no hace falta descontar dividendos ya que cotiza en máximos históricos lo hagamos como lo hagamos. 

En fin socio si consideramos que la tendencia es nuestra amiga no parece que la situación pudiese cambiar el año próximo sobre los valores comentados. 

Otro tema sería donde incorporarse y en mi caso necesito una corrección para darme un objetivo y cierto colchón para no comprar en máximos.

Feliz Navidad! 

Mañana sabré explicar lo que ocurrió hoy


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

The US government has a big spending problem

Total US debt has now surpassed $33 trillion

These levels have NEVER been seen before

This won’t end well

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

U.S. Treasuries Record : U.S. Treasuries have seen an inflow of $177 billion this year, the highest amount in history.  Back-to-back years of record inflows.


"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

Inflation has seen a rapid decline

Dropping from 9.1% to 3.1% in just 1.5 years

However, the current inflationary cycle bears striking similarities to the 1960s

During that time, inflation surged in waves

With each one larger than the previous

This pattern triggered massive volatility in the stock market

If today's inflation follows a similar trajectory, the US economy is on the cusp of its final wave → the worst one

At Game of Trades, we leverage quantitative and fundamental models to evaluate the economy and position ourselves

Claim your 1 month FREE now at

Hurry, this offer expires in just 3 days 

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados



Según @bespokeinvest, la caída desde el pico en la construcción de viviendas ha sido uno de los mejores indicadores adelantados de una recesión económica.

Ahora estamos en este punto
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"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]


Re: La actualidad de los mercados

The Dow Jones Industrials hit its 3rd most overbought level in the last 23 years last week and still remains in highly overbought territory

"The time to buy is when there's blood in the streets".[Nathan Rothschild]