Re: La subasta de hoy ...
Ahí está el tema, pero a mí mucha gente me viene diciendo que ha metido en tal depósitos y luego cuando lo busco veo son cuentas de ahorro
Ahora bien, nunca he invertido en bonos anteriormente, y no sé hasta qué punto podría resultar interesante NO llevarlo a vencimiento, dependerá de la evolución del mercado y los tipos de interés lógicamente.
Ahí está el tema, pero a mí mucha gente me viene diciendo que ha metido en tal depósitos y luego cuando lo busco veo son cuentas de ahorro.
"Debido al efecto stock de las tenencias de bonos de los bancos centrales, la prima por plazo, se mantuvo comprimida, lo que podría reducir el contenido predictivo de la pendiente de la curva de rendimientos para el crecimiento económico", sentenciaban los funcionarios europeos. Precisamente, dando como razón la misma que el BCE, los analistas de ING centraban el tiro en el caso de EEUU: "En la práctica, los remanentes de la pasada intervención de la Fed en el mercado de bonos continúan suprimiendo la prima por plazo y mantienen la curva más plana de lo que sería de otro modo.
Whatever happened to the wisdom of the bond market?
Encima Alemania y Francia son un caos politico (los verdes, los nacionalistas, los socialistas...) ninguno trata estos temas y son las potencias de la UE.
Ahora bien, nunca he invertido en bonos anteriormente, y no sé hasta qué punto podría resultar interesante NO llevarlo a vencimiento, dependerá de la evolución del mercado y los tipos de interés lógicamente
“And the reason for a unified response has never been so compelling and I am confident that in our unity we will find the strength to reform.”
The report comes as European leaders are increasingly aware of the loss of competitiveness against the bloc’s main rivals, partly due to Europe’s energy dependency and lack of raw materials.
The EU has also failed so far to push forward on a roadmap to lower the barriers of its capital markets to mobilize billions of euros across its borders needed to accelerate the development of clean technologies to meet its ambitious green targets or to create the next generation of technology champions.
Draghi pitched a rewriting of the bloc’s competition policy rulebook so that more money can be pumped into Europe’s key industrial sectors, and pressed regulators to adopt a more creative approach to vetting mergers — which could lead to the approval of more high-profile deals.
Draghi pitched a rewriting of the bloc’s competition policy rulebook so that more money can be pumped into Europe’s key industrial sectors, and pressed regulators to adopt a more creative approach to vetting mergers — which could lead to the approval of more high-profile deals.
Draghi’s report notes that EU economic growth has been persistently slower than in the US over the past two decades, driven by smaller advances in productivity.
Germany has emerged as a particular weak spot as its industrial sector continues to struggle with high energy costs and a loss of competitiveness to China.
The four largest emission-intensive industries in the EU, such as chemicals and metals, will require €500 billion over the next 15 years in order to decarbonize, Draghi’s report said. On top of that, transport investment needs will amount to €100 billion every year between 2031 and 2050.
Draghi drew on the automotive sector for particular scorn, calling it a “key example of a lack of EU planning.”
To address the growing digital innovation divide between the EU and the US and China, the report proposed reforming an agency to be modeled after the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which would finance breakthrough technologies and be managed by innovators rather than civil servants.
He calls for as much as €800 billion of new spending a year.
“Facilitating consolidation in the telecoms sector is needed to deliver higher rates of investment in connectivity,” the report, released Monday, said. “The cornerstone initiative is modifying the EU’s stance towards scale and consolidation of telecoms operators to deliver a true single market, without sacrificing consumer welfare and quality of service.”
“Germany will not agree to this,” country’s finance minister tells POLITICO.
"Our problem is not a lack of subsidies, but the shackling of bureaucracy and a planned economy," Lindner said. "More government debt costs interest, but does not necessarily create more growth."
"La locura de las nacionalidades ha hecho que los pueblos de Europa se sientan inverosímilmente extraños entre sí" (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Europe’s new normal: High energy bills, fading industry and one chance to fix it
Mañana sabré explicar lo que ocurrió hoy
Mañana sabré explicar lo que ocurrió hoy